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Senior Biology Seminar Series

The LENScience Connect Senior Biology Seminar Series brings Year 13 students from throughout New Zealand together for regular seminars, designed to provide learning extension opportunities that link current New Zealand scientific research to concepts in the school curriculum.

The seminars are broadcast via both Satellite Television and the High Speed KAREN National Education Network.

Web2.0 tools (Wiki and live chat) create interactivity between students and scientists, and between students and teachers in participating schools.

There is no charge to schools for participating in this award winning education programme, however schools must register and agree to the terms and conditions.



Senior Biology Seminar Series - Resources


Feast or Famine: Understanding Gene Expression
Jacquie Bay, Dr Deborah Sloboda, Professor Mark Hampton, Dr Mark Vickers

Huntington's Disease: Understanding a Mutation
Jacquie Bay, Andrea Graves, Helen Mora, Professor Mike Dragunow, Pritika Narayan, Professor Richard Faull

Insight into Blindness: Whanau - Science Partnership for Discovery
Jacquie Bay, Marion Maw, Patricia Lundon-Treweek, Peter Dearden, Waiora Port

Human Aneuploidy and Related Biotechnologies
Jacquie Bay, Professor Richard Fisher, Bert Stewart, Jenny Warrington



Breast Cancer and Biotechnology
Jacquie Bay, Dr Jo Perry, Michal Denny, Peter Lobie



Magnetic Sense
Jacquie Bay, Michael Walker

Food for a Hungry World - Optimising Plant Growth
Jacquie Bay, Karine David

Circadian Rhythms: Keeping Time
Guy Warman, Michal Denny, Jacquie Bay

Harnessing Biodiversity
Michal Denny, Steve Wratten



Ancient Secrets in the Seaweed
Jacquie Bay, Ceridwen Fraser, Hamish Spencer

Rethinking Polynesian Origins: Human Settlement of the Pacific
Michal Denny, Lisa Matisoo-Smith



The Evolving Brain: Social Interaction and Complexity
Jacquie Bay, Dr Alan Beedle, Dr Tatjana Buklijas, Professor Sir Peter Gluckman

Walking Upright: The cost of Human Evolution (2010)
Jacquie Bay, Dr Alan Beedle, Dr Tatjana Buklijas, Professor Sir Peter Gluckman

Walking Upright: The cost of Human Evolution (2009)
Jacquie Bay, Dr Alan Beedle, Dr Tatjana Buklijas, Professor Sir Peter Gluckman

Walking Upright: The cost of Human Evolution (2008)
Jacquie Bay, Dr Alan Beedle, Dr Tatjana Buklijas, Professor Sir Peter Gluckman

If you have any issues accessing these resources, please do not hesitate to let us know at LENScience.


Case Studies - How Schools are utilising the LENScience Connect Senior Biology Seminar Series

Learn more about how schools are utilising the LENScience Connect Senior Biology Seminar Series resources in their extension programmes for students.


Tony Cairns, Year 13 Biology Teacher and Scholarship Tutor, Wellington High School

We use and enjoy the LENScience Senior Biology Seminars in our Scholarship programme.  We distribute the pre-seminar questions at least a week before the students meet.  On Tuesday afternoon after school we view the seminar presentation and discuss the topic in detail.  Students give us their written answers to the pre-seminar questions and we co-construct model answers and advise on how to best answer the questions.  After the seminar we distribute post-seminar questions and they complete these for the next session.  We link the LENScience material to our Scholarship Pinterest and Moodle sites.  All students appreciate the LENScience Senior Biology Seminars and they are the basis for our Scholarship Programme.


Terry Burrell, Learning Area Leader Science, Onslow College

At Onslow College we have used parts of several of the seminars within regular classes at Level 3 Biology, specifically the Gene Expression and Circadian Rhythms seminars, as they fit well within our usual teaching topics. Students value from hearing directly from scientists about their research in real contexts and see how data is used to explore new ideas.

Our extension/scholarship group makes use of the series on a revolving programme in which students download and read the pre-seminar reading one week then meet to discuss it prior to watching the seminar the following week after school.

Following the seminar, the group agrees on a question they will write about, then they meet again to share their writing and they peer critique one another's efforts. In some ways it is valuable to be able to set our own schedule of seminars now, picking and choosing from the bank available on the LENScience website. We are able to select seminars that relate to our current teaching topic and thus students can extend their studies alongside their regular lessons.

We have begun a student book group as well at Onslow College and can select a book topic that fits with the seminars. 

  • Information for Students

    The LENScience Senior Biology Seminar Series is designed to assist Year 13 Biology students in New Zealand Schools who are aiming at achieving at Merit-Excellence-Scholarship level.

  • Information for Teachers and Schools

    The LENScience Senior Biology Seminar Series is open to all New Zealand Schools who are offering NCEA Biology.