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PSHLP Evaluation and Research

With the support of the participating schools, students, families, and communities, the project partners will use evaluation and research tools to understand whether the project is supporting Pacific young people towards a healthy future.

What are we learning from the Pacific Science for Health Literacy Project?

Evaluation: What do we learn when a community talks together?

The Pacific Science for Health Literacy Partnership Project is designed to support young people to develop the skills and capabilities required for a healthy future.

The project is based on scientific and education research. Students will be exploring evidence about health, wellbeing, and environmental challenges in our communities. They will explore how people in communities in the Pacific and around the world are working to find evidence based solutions to support healthy futures.

We are interested in finding out how these learning programmes support the development of our young people.

To do this we need teachers, students, families, and the community to take part in the evaluation. That involves talking to us about your experience with the programmes as a student, teacher, parent, family member, or health professional. 

Your participation will help schools, government and the community to work together towards better education and health for young people in the Pacific.

Evidence emerging from the Pacific Science for Health Literacy Project evalation will be posted here as it becomes available. For more information please contact Jacquie Bay

For teachers, schools and parents

Information for teachers and schools about taking part in the evaluation can be found here.


Postgraduate students exploring the issues

Liggins postgraduate students Mayor Pokino and Alvina Pauuvale, and Heimata Herman, and Siobhan Tu'akoi
Liggins postgraduate students Mayor Pokino and Alvina Pauuvale (front row), and Heimata Herman and Siobhan Tu'akoi (second row).

One component of supporting young people to develop the skills and capabilities required for a healthy future is the development of future health leaders and researchers within the region.

In 2017 the project welcomed four young Pasifika students to the project: Siobhan Tu'akoi, Alvina Pauuvale, Heimata Herman, and Mayor Pokino.

Information about what the students are investigating can be found here. 
