Teaching and Learning Resources
The LENScience Teaching and Learning Modules provide schools with the opportunity to develop learning experiences for 11 - 18 year olds that foster science and health literacy via exploration of socioscientific issues and the work of scientists contributing towards solutions to these issues.
LENScience modules use a context-embedded inquiry approach. Contexts are linked to socioscientific issues of relevance to adolescents.
Modules are designed to support the development of capabilities (including knowledge) that support young people to become critically engaged citizens.
Central to each of the modules are stories of science and scientists, enabling connections with the culture of science.
Links between the context, the work of the science community and the students and their communities supports adolescents to identify the relevance of the learning to their lives.
Professional learning and development resources support exploration of the pedagogy, science and health research associated with each module.
Central to effective use of the modules is the in-school process of linking the learning modules into the school programme and the local community setting.
Factors to consider when adapting a module for use in a school.
Context-Embedded Learning
Learning centred on exploration of a socio-scientific context. Supporting capability development across the curriculum.
Resources supporting teachers to facilitate learning that explores the COVID-19 pandemic
Healthy Start to Life Education for Adolescents Project
Learning experiences that engage students in exploration of socioscientific issues linked to health and wellbeing.
Gut Bugs: Exploring the Human Microbiome
Resources for learning about the human microbiome through the highly-publicised Gut Bugs trial.
Te Maki Toto Vene (T2): E Manamanata no Toku Iti Tangata
Resources supporting exploration of type 2 diabetes as a socio-scientific issue
These resources are intended to support teachers to work with students to better understand the range of factors that affect our food choices.
Kai no te Oraanga Meitaki
Ko Au e Toku Aorangi: Kai no te Oraanga Meitaki. Exploring the importance of nutrition for wellbeing in the Cook Islands
Classroom Posters
Using classroom wall space to support visual learners
Bio-Protection Modules
These mini-modules explore issues around sustainable agriculture and environmental protection.
Senior Biology Learning Resources
These resources are designed to aid learning for senior secondary school students.
My Food, My Future
These learning resources explore issues around food labelling and its effect on the community.