Our People
Our academic, technical and support staff come from a wide range of backgrounds, enabling our science-science education partnership programmes to reach into a wide range of communities.
Collaboration that brings together skills and expertise from related disciplines is a key contributor to the success of LENScience. The depth of expertise of the leaders of our science education team, matched with the internationally recognised expertise of our contributing scientists, has enabled LENScience to rapidly gain a national and international reputation for innovative work in the fields of science translation and science education.
Programme Lead - Jacquie Bay
Profile of the LENScience programme lead.
LENScience Team
Find contact details for LENScience staff.
Professor Sir Peter Gluckman
Profile of the founder of LENScience.
Scholarship Students
Current school students with scholarships to the "Students as Researchers" programme.
Alumni profiles
Find out what some of our alumni have achieved.