Selected Conference Presentations
- Bay JL (2013) Designing Learning Experiences that Support Development of Understanding of the Nature of Science. New Zealand Association of Science Educators BEANZ BioLive, Christchurch, July 15-17, 2013
- Dewan C and Bay JL (2013) Walking on the science side: Strategies to enable students to engage in the culture of science. New Zealand Association of Science Educators BEANZ BioLive, Christchurch, July 15-17, 2013
- Bay JL (2013) Learning Together: Exploring the translational potential of the classroom within the science cycle and the role of engagement in science within the development of scientific literacy. Australasian Association of Science Education Research Conference, Wellington, July 2-6, 2013
- Bay JL, Mora HA, Grace M, (2012) Teachers and students: Agents of change through science for health literacy, SCICON-2012, July 1-4, 2012, Auckland, New Zealand
- Bay JL, Mora HA, Sloboda DM, Vickers MH, Cooper S, Gluckman PD (2011) Exploring the Potential of School Based Adolescent Intervention To Enable Translation of DOHaD Concepts into Community Understanding. 7th World Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, September 18-21, 2011, Portland Oregon, USA.
- Jacquie Bay and Liz Carpenter (2011), It’s school Jim, but not as we knew it. University of Waikato Faculty of Science and Engineering, Cafe Scientifique, October 11, 2011, Hamilton, New Zealand.
- Bay JL, Mora HA (2011) Supporting transitions into tertiary science. BEANZ BioLive2011, July 17-21, Auckland, New Zealand.
- Mora HA, Bay JL (2011) Students taking actions to make informed decisions. BEANZ BioLive2011, July 17-21, Auckland, New Zealand.
- Mora HA, Bay JL (2011) Complex science investigations made simple: stories of the use of models. BEANZ BioLive2011, July 17-20, Auckland, New Zealand
- Katherine Cole, Martin De Bock, Helen Mora, (2011) Students, scientists and research – interacting at Onehunga High School. BEANZ BioLive2011, July 17-20,Auckland, New Zealand.
Selected Invited Presentations
- Bay JL (2013) Pacific Science for Health Literacy: From Pre-feasibility to Pilot Presentation to the Cook Islands Ministry of Health at the invitation of the Director of Health, Avarua, Rarotonga, Cook Islands 23-09-2013
- Bay JL (2013) Science meets science education: A journey of translational engagement 2006-2013. GRAVIDA – National Centre for Growth and Development Annual Symposium. Spetember 17, 2013
- Bay JL (2013) Science for Health Literacy: Cross-curricula Potential. New Zealand Nutrition Foundation Annual Symposium. September 5, 2013
- Bay JL (2013) Designing Learning Experiences that Support Development of Understanding of the Nature of Science. New Zealand Association of Science Educators Primary Science Conference, Auckland, April 2013
- Bay JL (2012) Harnessing the potential of science - science education partnerships to contribute towards addressing complex 21st century educational issues Creating Successful Transitions in STEM Subjects Panel Te Ara Whakamana: Pathways, transitions and bridges to tertiary education July 4, 2012
- Bay JL (2012) Our Shared Future, Our People Transit of Venus Forum: Lifting Our Horizons, July 5-6 2012, Gisborne, NZ http://www.royalsociety.org.nz/events/2012-transit-of-venus-forum-lifting-our-horizon/forum-programme/
- Bay JL (2012) Harnessing the potential of science - science education partnerships to contribute towards addressing complex 21st century socio-scientific issues WUN Global Health Forum; Lessons for Life, Southampton, UK , May 2012
- Bay JL (2011) Developing 21st Century Scientific Literacy through Science-Science Education Partnerships. Canterbury Science Teachers Association and University of Canterbury Science HOD’s Day 2011, November 23, 2011, Christchurch, New Zealand
- Bay, JL (2011) Science Meets Science Education: Forming partnerships to support science translation and communication in New Zealand communities, Centre for Brain Research Brainwaves Seminar Series, November 10, 2011, Auckland, New Zealand
- Bay, JL (2011) Science Meets Science Education: Forming partnerships to support science translation and communication in New Zealand communities, BioRad Education Group Seminar, September 23, 2011, San Francisco, USA
- Bay JL (2011) Science Meets Science Education, DOHaD in Action, 15-16 Sept 2011, Vancouver, Canada
- Jacquie Bay and Kate Chatfield (2011), Science Meets Science Education: LENScience the first 5 years. Liggins 10th Anniversary Symposium, July 29, 2011, Auckland, New Zealand
- Bay JL (2011) Science Meets Science Education: Partnerships to enhance science education, translation, & communication in New Zealand communities. AWIS Developing Women, Advancing Science, July 28-29, 2011, Auckland, New Zealand
- Bay JL and Burrell T (2011), BEANZ: Essential food for the journey towards 21st century biology education. Keynote BEANZ BioLive’11, July 17-21, 2011, Auckland, New Zealand
- Bay JL (2010) Windows into the Future: Science Education Opportunities for 21st Century Rangitahi, Hawkes Bay District Health Board Māori Health Careers Breakfast, 26 November 2010, Napier, New Zealand
- Bay JL (2010) Science, Health and Scientists: The Views of Adolescents and their Parents, University of Southampton, School of Medicine Seminar, 28 October, 2010, Southampton, United Kingdom
- Bay JL (2010) Science Meets Science Education: Partnerships to enhance science education, translation, & communication in New Zealand communities. University of Southampton School of Education Seminar, 25 October, 2010, Southampton, United Kingdom
- Bay JL (2010) Science Meets Science Education: Forming partnerships to enhance science education, translation, and communication in New Zealand communities. Massey University IVABS Seminar Series, 7 October, 2010, Palmerston North, New Zealand
- Bay JL (2010) Coming Ready or Not: Education for a New Generation, Leading the Way: Kordia Managers’ Conference, 23 September 2010, Auckland, New Zealand
- Bay JL (2009) The Evolution of Secondary School Biology Education in New Zealand: The impact of change in biological science 1878-2008. Keynote BEANZ Biolive ‘09, July 5-8 2009, Dunedin, New Zealand.
- Bay JL (2009) Making the Nature of Science Accessible, Lincoln University Science Teachers Symposium, November 16, 2009, Christchurch, New Zealand