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The HSLeaP Modules

About the Modules

These curriculum-linked learning modules are contextualised in aspects of the global non-communicable disease epidemic, utilising a combination of story-telling, exploration of age-appropriate re-imaged scientific data, and student-led investigation to explore factors influencing noncommunicable disease risk throughout the life-course.

Research evidence has demonstrated that the programmes, when implemented in a format that is suitable to the needs of the local school community, facilitate development of Nature of Science understanding as well as scientific and health literacy.

Further learning modules are planned and will be developed as funding becomes available.

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Type 2 Diabetes: An Issue for My Community

These resources are designed to support learning for 15-16 year olds, linked to the New Zealand Curriculum and NCEA Achievement Standards typically used with Year 11 classes. They facilitate exploration of Type 2 diabetes, a non-communicable disease presenting a significant socioscientific issue for New Zealand communities.

Learning experiences link students to current scientific evidence relating to Type 2 diabetes prevalence and risk, enabling students to:

  • identify patterns of prevalence and risk for Type 2 diabetes in New Zealand communities
  • identify key global patterns of prevalence and risk for Type 2 diabetes
  • develop understanding of the biological concepts underpinning the development and impact of Type 2 diabetes
  • explore the complexity of risk factors associated with the development of Type 2 diabetes, including obesity, physical inactivity, genetic inheritance, diet and lifestyle throughout the lifecourse (including before birth), and socio-economic, cultural and environmental conditions throughout the lifecourse
  • develop research and writing skills required to report comprehensively on an aspect of the Type 2 diabetes epidemic, defining a specific research question, identifying a range of evidence-based opinions around this question and presenting a justified recommendation for an action.

The resources in this module are strongly aligned to data relevant to New Zealand communities. Development of parallel resources for Pacific Island nations is planned. Educators from other regions interested in adapting this model should contact the Liggins Institute.

An internal assessment task supporting assessment of  NCEA Achievement Standard 90926 is available in conjunction with these learning resources. This assessment resource carries the NZQA Quality Assured Assessment Trademark (QAAM#3036).

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Me, Myself, My Environment - Nutrition

These resources are designed to support learning for 11-13 year olds, linked to the New Zealand Curriculum. They facilitate exploration of the role of nutrition throughout the lifecourse on health and wellbeing, and in particular explore the relationship between nutrition in early life (even before birth) and the risk of cardiovascular disease in later life.

Students explore the work of scientists through stories about:

Alongside this students take on the role of scientist by:

  • making decisions about what type of information they would like to collect if they were designing the Growing Up in New Zealand study
  • collecting and analysing data about human growth
  • conducting food tests to explore the components of typical foods that they eat
  • analysing data about the diet of typical teenagers
  • analysing data from scientific experiments carried out at the Liggins Institute
  • designing and carrying out their own investigation to explore the impact of different types of activities from a typical week on their heart rate
  • taking part in organising and presenting at their own scientific symposium


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Ko Au, Ko Au Anō, Ko Tōku Taiao - Te Kai

Ko Au, Ko Au Anō, Ko Tōku Taiao: Te Kai is the Te Reo Māori translation of Me, Myself, My Environment: Nutrition made possible through a partnership between LENScience and Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Raki Paewhenua.


We look forward to offering more web resources in Te Reo Māori.

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Me, Myself, My Environment - Growing Up

These resources are designed to support learning for 13-14 year olds, linked to the New Zealand Curriculum. They facilitate exploration of the identified reducing age of puberty across recent generations and the association between early-life environment (even before birth) and this trend. It has been our experience that adolescents are keenly aware of the trend towards earlier age at puberty and find this issue highly engaging.

Learning experiences link students to current scientific evidence from a range of groups including:

Students explore epidemiological evidence of the change in age of puberty, the work of scientists who are exploring why this is happening and how this might affect the wellbeing of this generation. Students also explore the biological processes associated with the physical and emotional changes occurring during puberty.

